Trauma Care

Trauma is a major buzz word of our time. More and more people are realising that they have been impacted by life experiences, whether their adversity has occured in childhood or more recently.

You Are Not Alone
Trauma is usually an experience that is shocking and charged with emotion,
isolating, leaving the individual without strategies to cope, and lacking in personal control. This can be an individual incident or a series of experiences. Most commonly we think of neglect and abuse, natural disasters, terrorism, community shocking events like shootings, serious accidents or life- threatening illness, as well as sexual expoitation and trafficing.
Trauma can happen to an individual directly,
or they can witness it in others and absorb the experience for themselves.

This is called vicarious trauma.
Trauma symptoms can look like ongoing exaustion, intrusive thoughts, catastrophising, sadness, anxiety, numbness or dissociation, agitation, mind fog, and people-pleasing to name but a few.
In my experience, if something matters to you, it’s worth mattering to me.

The way we work with trauma varies depending on each client’s needs.
While I do not offer psychotherapy and cannot diagnose, medicate, or cure a condition, I do offer a mix of somatic practices that can aid trauma recovery.
Combining aspects of polyvagal theory, breathwork, bodywork, creativity, ceremony and ritual, as well as sounding and release, I help clients to understand what is happening in their nervous system, process stored emotions and recalibrate the somatic experience. Maybe your body needs to shake or cry, maybe you need rocking or being supported by weight. Maybe catharsis is ready to burst through, or maybe you need gentle, curious exploration of what your body has been holding onto.

In my experience, we need to meet trauma at the developmental stage that it first impacted us.
This actually makes the work quite playful and though we tread very carefully, there is a lot of space to create deeper levels of self-trust and introspection along the way.
Not only have I been apprenticing trauma work through countless trainings and modalities, I have also built a flexible and resilient enough nervous system to not just survive difficult experiences but to weave them beautifully into a life worth living.
Bring your story, and I will hold it with reverence. We’ll take it from there.

30 mins to connect with me
Easy access via Zoom
Ask your questions freely
£60 – £750
Hands oWhether you are preparing for the death of a loved one, are nearing the end of your own life, or are trying to find a way forward after loss – I’m here for you.
Baby Loss Companion Training
£375 – 775