Baby Loss Doula

Baby and infant loss affect so many more people than we’re led to believe, official statistics suggestion that 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in loss, with the reality being much likely closer to 1 in 3.
Chances are, there are several women and families whose lives have been forever changed in our circle and we don’t even know it. No wonder finding support in those tender moments seems nearly impossible.
I believe it’s time we change that.

You Are Not Alone
As a full spectrum doula,
I support families through miscarriage, pregnancy release, stillbirth, and baby loss. This includes physiological, medical, surgical, and herbal management.
Baby Loss Doulas
can support you in:

I can help you fully own the experience of being pregnant before it’s time to let go, be it with a pregnancy yoga class, belly painting, or even a proper mother’s blessing.
*Preparing for your release
Whatever way you choose to manage your loss, I can help you understand all your options and support your choice with herbal care and emotional processing

* Supporting your release
Particularly, if you choose to labour at home, I can be there with you in person, provide comfort measures and safe keep your release for burial. This also includes helping your partner take care of you and find support for themselves. If you labour in hospital or undergo a surgical procedure, I can help you process that experience in as wholesome of a way as possible.
*Facilitating Ceremony
Your baby might have died, but they still matter. We can create a naming ceremony, funeral, or memorial to honour their short time with you in meaningful ways.
Postpartum Care
We often forget that baby loss entails birth. Even if your baby died early in gestation, you body and hormones will have changed significantly. You deserve nourishing foods, bodywork, and emotional care just like anyone in post-partum does. This can also include a closing the bones ceremony.
