Funeral & Ceremonies

You Are Not Alone
The German word for burial is ‘Beerdigung’ – earthing.
It’s the furthest point we can accompany our loved ones to and the threshold where we hand them over to something bigger than us. Whether we believe that they are received by god, the ancestors, or eternity… most of us like to think that there is a loving embrace of some sort, cradling those we can no longer hold ourselves.
As a celebrant and ceremonialist,
I help you hand your loved ones over with dignity and humanity.

Whatever your believes about death and dying might be, together we can create a ceremony that captures who your person truly ways, how they impacted the world around them, and how you would like them to be remembered.

What you can expect from hiring me as a celebrant:
• Support for your family and community:
Celebrants can help the family plan the funeral, including the order of service, music, readings, and poems. They can also offer ideas for personal touches, such as visual tributes.
• Listen and observe
Celebrants listen beyond what is said in words to get a real sense of the person who has died. Telling their story means finding a balance between truthfully representing their character and expressing our unconditional love for them.
• Lead the service
Celebrants may invite people to speak, join in hymns or songs, or read poems. They may also work with the family to create the eulogy.
• Offer guidance
Celebrants can provide support and advice throughout the process, and may even help the family plan for life-centered services that take place outside of a traditional funeral chapel.

Supporting you outside the box
While I am more than happy to lead ‘normal’ funerals, as a celebrant I also support circumstances that are a little more unusual.
For example when there is no body to bury, when we say good bye to a pet, when death was sudden or violent, or if there is a greater need in the community to commemorate their grief.
